Day 122


Today was a lovely day. It started off really well with my wife and I exchanging gifts and cards as today was our wedding anniversary - 11 years today! It's been quite a rocky time since our last anniversary, with my wife struggling health wise for much of last year and then the virus this year, it seems a long time since we have felt normal and able to enjoy ourselves, so today we made sure we enjoyed ourselves.

We had a lovely cooked breakfast, then I got a message to say that our new sofas were on their way. A quick dismantling of the old one made space for the two new sofas. My daughter called round with a card and presents for us. Some nice chocolates for me, flowers and a TV guide for my wife - the TV guide was an unexpected additional present, as my wife has missed reading it...

While she was here the sofa men arrived, and started unloading box after box. I knew they were flat-packed, which unfortunately we need as it's pretty much impossible to get a normal sofa into our house and up the stairs. 6 large boxes later they were all in. The company, Snug, claim the sofas can be put together in 3 minutes - which is probably true, once you have them all unpacked and the packaging disposed of. The sofas look good up - just hoping the wife doesn't now want to accessorise to match the new colour!

My wife's daughter then called in with a card and present for us, a lovely giraffe ornament my wife has had her eye on for a while, which was nice of her - we had a chat, mainly about recent developments...

Once the plethora of cardboard boxes were chucked into our garage it was time for games time - we have managed to adapt some of the rules of the games to handicap me a little bit and make things more equal. It's all a bit of fun and a good way to spend some time. We hadn't long finished when our treat for the day, a special afternoon tea turned up.

It was lovely, scones with jam and fresh cream, brownies, sarnies, grapes and strawberries, it was all very yummy and a great way to spend our anniversary.

Happy anniversary to my darling wife - here's to many, many more!

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