Day 121


Today should have had the makings of a nice day - the weather was good, we had arranged to go and see my wife's parents for a socially distanced visit and we were doing a Portal pass the parcel with my daughter later today.

Unfortunately, this was all overshadowed by the latest events with the eldest grand-daughter and her Mum and Dad - I'm not going into details here, you know where I am if you want to ask for more, but safe to say they are no longer on our Christmas card lists - or for that matter in our telephone contacts lists.

The visit to the mother-in-laws was good. It is lovely to see them, keeping well and trying their hardest to follow the social distancing rules - Dad in particular is having problems with the process, but a degree of awareness on our part means we are able to keep the prerequisite distance.

The Portal pass the parcel was a success, with my daughter's little one in particular enjoying it, he particularly liked his new T-shirt and loved showing us his new dinosaur book... oh, and his Mum's knickers and Dad's socks, which he modeled!

So, today was a crap/good day, just that the good tends to get forgotten, while the shit sticks...

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