Day 120


A nice day here in the Garden of England as the weather came out in our favour again.

It's been a week now since the eldest grand-daughter jumped ship and to be honest, we haven't really missed her. That is a sad thing to say really, but she had made things very difficult from the moment she went running back to her delusional mum in March moaning about the way we were looking after her! It's a real shame that no allowance was made, or given for what we were going through at home - but that was to be expected from all quarters involved.

Well, it is Monday, which can mean only one thing - Asda shopping delivery, yeah, much merriment. Actually this week's delivery wasn't too bad, the usual selection of sub and no shows, but by now we are getting used to it... It always seems a sad thing to moan about, missing shopping items, but when you have little or nothing else in your life it is easy to moan, I guess. Roll on having something real to moan about.

Again, sticking to a formulaic week we stuck to our BBQ Monday theme, although this time I decided indoor cooking was the order of the day. As much as I love firing up the BBQ it does create problems with our little one, as it means he is stuck in the lower half of the garden as he can't be round me while I am cooking hot food, as he has zero concept of danger - oh, and I hadn't cleaned the BBQ since its last outing last week!

We started a new round of games, including the 2 new games we have recently acquired. The scores appeared a bit more equal, so maybe, just maybe I won't get moaned at for keep winning...

Finally, to end my day I actually watched a live football match today, when Brighton entertained (well maybe not) Newcastle - with a draw the end result Brighton are safe for another year - more importantly our little one is currently leading the Seagulls Fantasy Football League, with one game to go - it's amazing how accurate his predictions have been and how impressive his football knowledge is, maybe a future England manager in the making...

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