Day 119


Can I just start today's blog off by saying I liked David Bowie, but he was a crap actor! - More of that later...

Today was a wet weather day, and boy did it drag. To be fair we haven't had too many of these days since we began shielding all of 119 days ago. We have been incredibly lucky with the weather and have managed to spend a lot of time in the garden, playing games and the like.

Today, amongst other things has made me realise that a) we are lucky to have our garden and b) weekend TV is rubbish! It must have been so difficult going through the lockdown process let alone shielding, without access to a good outside space.

We did catch a bit of old Fools and Horses episodes today, which to be fair you can't really go too far wrong with, but it just doesn't seem a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon, watching 30+ year old episodes of comedies, however good they are - besides which, it made me feel incredibly old, knowing I had watched these first time round.

Which brings you back round to David Bowie - the film Labyrinth had been on TV and my wife had recorded it - I really still want to say taped, but I think I may have finally moved away from video tape world and am now firmly in digital copying domain! Anyway, we put Labyrinth on while we had tea - now it wouldn't surprise me if "woodworm" was on dear David's death certificate, as to say his acting was wooden would be an affront to, well wooden things!

I hadn't realised, until looking on Wikipedia, that Mr Bowie had appeared in over 20 films, so clearly someone liked his acting style, or maybe just his name on the credits. To be fair I have only seen Labyrinth, Absolute Beginners, The Man Who Fell To Earth and Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (which wasn't bad), so maybe I should watch more, before I form a definitive judgement!

Anyway, let's hope we don't have too many more days like today any time soon - I don't really fancy checking out anymore of Mr. Bowie's acting back catalogue...

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