Day 118


Today was a nice day in the garden. Just the four of us playing games, chilling and just generally forgetting the world outside. I did have time before fun and games to sort out the front garden. It's surprising how the weeds pop up when you don't notice and to be honest, as we don't go out our front door much, then we don't notice!

Anyway, I had a nice rose bush to put in this morning. The roses look nice and some of the ones we have put in have lovely scents - with the added bonus that they have wicked thorns, which keep the pesky neighbourhood cats at bay!

Back to the games - we played our usual set of activities, which yes I won again. But mid-afternoon we have a delivery of our two newest recruits to the ensemble of games - we all had a go at the new games, which hold some promise that they may be a bit more equal! Yeah, that would be good, as maybe I can play a game without being moaned at for winning.

Little man had been good today, mixing between trampoline, summer house and tablet - so we treated him with his water lily pad - he loves this, and when the weather is decent like it was this afternoon, it's a pleasure to watch him playing in the water, even if it is freezing cold - kids clearly aren't bothered by what adults clearly would be!

While not a great deal happened today, it was a good day - hopefully the weather will hold out for a while so we can have many more like this while we are still shielding...

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