Day 117


Fry-up Thursday has come around so soon, again. It doesn't seem like a week ago since we went through the same process yet here we are again!

Time just seems to pass you by at the moment. In fact the mother-in-law summed it up well when she said we just seem to be sleep-walking through this year - which is so true. Anyway, as said the days just go.

Today we had some pictures from my daughter, who has gone up to her other-half's sisters to see them. These were of her little one in the bath, with a bright green turtle bath-bomb - clearly he was enjoying it, even if the turtle wasn't... I think we might have to try and get one of these - not for our little one, but for me...

After a false start yesterday, we got little man's mirror tiled wall up. We had gone through the same process the night before, but as they were shaped tiles it was difficult to get them to butt up properly, added to that a fair percentage of them fell off during the night. So we started again with rectangular tiles. Little man loved them, kissing himself in the mirror - mind you they are now covered in fingerprints and lip marks - so more for the wife to clean!

We had a nice visit today from the wife's sister in law. She kindly brought round some Ibuprofen for my swollen gum after my failed tooth extraction - it's only when you need the odd, unexpected things, that you realise how difficult it is not shopping - something we have pretty much vowed not to do until a vaccine is found - the problem is when you need these odd bits it then means you need to rely on someone else to do it for you. Clearly we would normally have asked my daughter to do this, but as she is away we had to try a different avenue.

As I said, it was really nice to chat to sister in law - we haven't seen her for a while - she has been a volunteer since this whole sorry fiasco started, running errands for people and getting their shopping in. Since we have been covered by the vulnerable person's shopping slots we haven't needed to call on her services for a long while. It was interesting to hear someone else's point of view of the whole shopping experience and for that matter life in general - being shielded away we don't know a lot of what is going on out there, so it is very interesting to hear what we are missing!

Over the last couple of weeks we have played a lot - and I do mean A LOT of garden games, so to mix things up a bit we have bought another couple of games, which should be with us tomorrow, so should be interesting to see how these fit into our It's A Knockout schedule...

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