Day 116


Today was another of those do nothing days, it is getting hard to find things to write about when very little happens. Yes we played our usual garden games, little one bounced on his trampoline and monopolised the summer house - so, normal day!

I had a brief message conversation with grand daughter who upped-sticks and left at the weekend. While we are incredibly annoyed and disappointed with her I find that I do still have to offer some help. I checked with her to see if she had been in touch with the list of people I gave her to let her know her change of address and to get help with housing.

The one call she hasn't made is housing. This was exactly what we knew would happen, as we know our granddaughter's ways, and no that unless she is being pushed she just won't do things. I queried why she hadn't been in touch with housing, considering she left on Sunday and I have been messaging her about this every day since then. "I haven't got round to it" was her answer - well that's it, I give up.

As the expression goes, you make your bed you lie in it. You can only offer so much help, especially when they have chosen to go it alone - with the supposed help of her parents, who clearly aren't offering her the help she needs. Sad, but what we expected - it is going to end in tears.

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