Day 113


Well things got back to normal at home today, well as normal as the current normal can be.

It is Monday, so that can mean only one thing! Asda shopping delivery, yeah... It's become a bit of a ritual now, waiting for the early morning email to tell me what they are not sending or substituting. To be fair the subs haven't been too bad recently, though today's addition of Smart Price sausages was a step too far for my wife - Smart Price, how dare they!

My daughter came round to collect her share of the shop this morning and we had a nice socially distanced chat again. It is always nice to hear what they have been up to, especially as we can't do anything other than play games in our garden, their little excursions seem like massive, dangerous, adventures to us.

Lunch done we got onto our own massive, dangerous adventure - playing Molkky in our garden!

This is a great game that we have added to our growing repertoire of garden games, it's a sort of Scandinavian skittles game that we all love playing, although the wife does get the strop with me when I win - again... I feel guilty, but I can't help it - it clearly doesn't help that I am naturally competitive.

We finished our day off with a lovely BBQ, outdoors this time.

All in all it was a pretty decent day today, hopefully there will be many more like this...

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