Day 112


Well I'm afraid today can only be a follow on to yesterday's bombshell.

Our eldest grand daughter decided yesterday that living away from home, on a zero hours contract job was a feasible way to formulate the rest of her life. We again tried to make her understand this wasn't the most sensible approach, but clearly our common sense was falling on deaf ears - as she couldn't (wouldn't) say anything to us. She couldn't explain how she was going to live away from home or even how she would cope.

To be honest we are now past caring, there is only so much you can do for people, even those that have learning difficulties. You can't force your will on them, even if you know what they are doing is so basically wrong, as to be almost dangerously wrong.

Anyway, we packed all her many bags - here is an indication of the nature of the child (young adult), she had over a dozen bags, tote bags, handbags, rucksacks of all shapes, sizes and colours stuffed away in her bedroom. We already knew she was a hoarder and never throws anything away, unless forced, but this was a good indication as to her future. She will "collect" things from the charity shop she works in, just because a) she can and b) she can!

Well, that now is firmly all in the past... so let's move on!

We played the last day of our family It's A Knockout, which unfortunately once again, I won! I am being colluded against now, as the wife and other grand daughter are now finding ways to change the rules to make it harder, presumably for me to win, but perversely they are also making it harder for themselves, so let's see who wins next week!

Talking of grand daughter number 2, she was almost indecent in her haste to bagsy items from her sister's room, TV, Portal, TV Stand - think she would probably have had the carpet too if it had fit her bedroom. At the moment she is being our BFF, but let's see if her head gets turned over the next few weeks...!

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