Day 111


Well how to come down with a bump, after the euphoria of yesterday today was a pretty crap day.

We have spent the last 8 years caring for two of our grandchildren, both of which have learning difficulties and social issues. We have put a lot of time and effort into giving them, what we thought, happy teenage years.

We have had a problem whereby as we are shielding the grandkids have had to stay in too, as they are not aware how to social distance and their personal hygiene isn't the best - to make an understatement.

I have been quite clear with the kids that they only have to say if they no longer wish to stay in, but it would mean that they would have to move out. Well today the eldest has decided she wants to go back to work.

Now that in itself is fine, but work for her is doing all the hours she can, as a volunteer in a charity shop and working a zero hours contract at a nursery, a job that has average around 16 hours a week since she started last September. She clearly believes that work comes above the safety of my wife and the others in the household, so regrettably we have had to arrange for her to go back to live with her parents.

It is not a situation I envisaged happening, and while I can voice my disquiet about her going back to live with her Mum and Dad there is nothing I can do about it. It saddens me to know that all the efforts and good work we have put in over the last 8 years are likely to be unravelled in a fraction of that time.

At no point in the process has she showed any empathy towards my wife, or understanding or allowance for the situation we find ourselves in due to the Pandemic, although to be fair, that is the way she is programmed. I just hope she doesn't live to regret her spur of the moment decision...

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