Day 11


Following on from my theme of a task a day keeps the boredom away, today I laid a new lino in the bathroom - again, another of those jobs that under normal circumstances I would put off for as long as possible - in fact, to be honest I have put it off, as I think I bought the lino in the middle of last year! Anyway, job done, looks good, tick!

Unfortunately that is probably as good as the day got. My wife was due her next cycle of chemotherapy tomorrow, and had her bloods taken yesterday, our first trip out of the house for 10 days, which was scary enough! Unfortunately she got a call this afternoon to say that her white blood cell (WBC) count is low, and her chemotherapy has been cancelled for a week. Worse, she now has to have an additional injection for the next two days to bring her WBC count up to a normal level - we were already struggling to find new places to inject for her daily injection of blood thinners, to stop blood clots.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that she is pretty pissed off with the whole thing. She is starting to struggle, not with the staying indoors, more the idea that she has to go out - this set-back means that she has to go to the hospital tomorrow to pick up the new injections, again on Wednesday for bloods and then hopefully chemo on Friday, so doubling up the trips out. I just want to wrap her in cotton wool and look after her, but unfortunately if she wants to come out the end of this fit and well, then she needs to complete her course of chemotherapy! She knows it, but it doesn't make it any easier for her.

To top the day off, but clearly not on the same level as the previous, I had been expecting a delivery of plants from our local nursery, but got a call to say they wouldn't be turning up! Bugger, that's tomorrow's job gone up the swannee… though I am sure after our trip to the hospital my wife will find me something to keep me amused!

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