Day 109


Today was a better day. The weather was much nicer and we were able to get out in the garden to continue our family games. Before that I did my exercise routine, day 38 I believe, which is good going - it's another way to use up some of the day, as it's usually an hour or more from start to finish, so helps pass the morning away.

Exercise done it gave us time to have lunch in the garden before our Sainsbury's delivery arrives.

Now the supermarkets have all been good as gold up to now, with taking care of the likes of us, the vulnerable, who can't get out. Now though it seems things are changing, with Sainsbury's at least. They are no longer putting deliveries in bags for the drivers to bring to the door, instead they have gone back to the old system of just dropping the items off at the door in the plastic totes, leaving us to very quickly off-load into our own bags and get indoors, all the while leaving the driver standing there looking unimpressed.

To be fair our driver was most helpful and apologetic about the situation. Just shows though how quickly things will go back to normal, even for those that can't yet do normal - whatever that is!

The weather held out to allow us to play the next leg of our family game session. I think I may even have sneaked into the lead - 3 more days to go, maybe at the end of that we will do it all again. Exciting times, eh!

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