Day 107


My wife has been going through a few bad days recently. It's a combination of the worry of the results of her PET scan and the unknown that may bring, the fear of the virus and what that means in trying to get back to some sort of normal and the fact she feels that she has just been left to get on with things, and just ignored. It's a shame when you go through the process and see "promises" put up in the waiting room walls, yet these promises don't seem to be fulfilled.

Today was another blood test day, which meant another trip to Maidstone, 2 in two weeks. Again, this isn't the highlight of the week, and not something we really want to do, but it has to be done - apparently things are pretty much to normal in the waiting rooms - granted not all the seats are in use, but the appointments seem to be back to normal, with people being called in to face to face appointments with specialists.

While the wife was in to have her bloods done I sat in the car with little one - after a while he got a bit irritable, so after exploring all avenues of bribery, drinks, food, video on tablet with no joy, I eventually got him out of the car and we went for a little walk.

It was another one of those "normal" moments that the majority of people out there still take for granted, those that can go about their day-to-day business reasonably unfettered. We had a little wander across the car park, then onto the grass bank, waiting for Nana to appear. Little one loved it - he is very sensory, and loves the wind in his face, the grass under his feet and the sunshine in his eyes. He was in his element.

The funny thing, there were a couple of other children there, who were running up and down, running away from what looked like their Granddad, charging all over the place, yet our little one was quite happy to just wander around, jumping up and down on the spot and generally loving his freedom, all in the space of a few feet.

The wife eventually appeared and we set off, not for home, but for a treat - to visit Mum and Dad.

This was something my wife had waited for for a long time. We have popped up and chatted, from a social distance in the drive, but on this occasion we actually made it into their back garden for a cup of tea and a biscuit (or two), or in my case a scone or two. Again, normality, which at the moment is so far detached from normality for us it couldn't be further from normal if it tried.

While she enjoyed the experience, it also upset her greatly, as this shouldn't be the way things are, she couldn't give her Mum a kiss goodbye, or a hug, all intimacy was gone from the visit - having said all that, it was lovely though to see them looking so well - mind you, they both need damn good haircuts!

The afternoon was taken up with the latest round of our Jeux San Frontieres, accompanied by a lovely visit from my daughter and her little one. He loves our new bubble machine and there is always a treat or surprise when he comes to Nanny and Dad Dad's house - it was, as always, a pleasure to see them.

Tomorrow it all begins again...

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