Day 106


Monday - so it's Asda delivery - enough said. How does Monday come around so quick, it only seems like a few days ago that I was typing the same thing. Tempus fugit and all that, although to be fair, time really does seem to fly - March, when we started shielding, seems a long time ago, yet at the same time the days seem to have passed by at the blink of an eye.

Apart from shopping deliveries and the goodies it brings, today was a good day in other ways.

Our little one was in a lot happier mood today. I have been looking up information on his condition, and it is very difficult to get an understanding as to why he is behaving the way he is. It appears it is either because he is under stimulated or over stimulated - so that's really helpful! I would like to think we give him enough stimulation, although to be fair it is quite difficult to play with a child, who doesn't understand what playing is. Today though was good, as it was nice, the grand daughters spent most of the afternoon in the garden, which kept little one happy, as he had plenty of people to grab by the hand!

Anyway, today was the start of our very own It's A Knockout competition. We have now amassed 4 good garden games, which we are playing on a daily basis, topped up with a daily round of Yahtzee - I got of to a  flier playing my Joker on the very first game, which I won - from their it went rapidly down hill, mind you at least it will stop people moaning that "grand dad always wins" - mind you, let's see where we are at the end of the week...!

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