Day 105


I think the not going out is starting to get to all of us now, as even our little one had a really bad day today, he couldn't settle to anything and just seemed to be upset all the time, which really isn't like him, but thinking about it he has been building up to this for the past few days! I think like the rest of us he is going a bit stir crazy!

It's really difficult, for him and us, as he can't communicate, and he clearly gets upset and confused when he can't get over to you what he wants, and we get frustrated when we clearly can't meet his needs. All we can do is keep trying and hoping that what we do is what he wants.

Little one did have a spell where he was reasonably happy this afternoon, which gave us a chance to play a few more "holiday" games, with the added bonus of a late arrival with our latest game Molkky, which is a Scandinavian version of skittles. It was great fun, but rather noisy on our decking, we did manage to play a couple of games, by putting a large blanket down to try and deaden some of the noise of the wooden throwing stick hitting the deck, literally!

I gave my Dad a call this afternoon. It appears he has been rather busy! Well I say he has, more like my brothers and brother in law have. My two brothers have been painting the front and back of Dad's house, while brother in law has fitted a new rear gate - while my Dad watches on, he said he felt quite guilty sitting watching, but I'm not so sure he did really, I think he quite likes having people chasing round after him again!

We stepped out at 5pm for the NHS clap, well what a let down, round our way in particular. When they were doing the weekly 8pm clap we used to get loads out - but today I felt like a seal and really thought someone would throw me a fish, as I was clapping on my own. To be fair there was someone else clapping somewhere in the distance, or it could just have been my echo - poor turn out all round and a further indication that many seem to believe this is now all over!

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