Day 104


Happy Independence Day! Today is the day when the UK, well the English part of it, can go back to the pub. I'm guessing it will be a very different pub experience. For me, well us, we will stay where we are and have a couple of beers from our beer fridge in the summer house! A lot cheaper and safer!

Today was housework day. I did my exercise and kept the little one amused, while my wife polished upstairs. Once done we swapped and I hoovered through - so rock and roll...

The eldest granddaughter had a call scheduled today with Universal Credit, I managed to sit in on the call, and was able to explain some of the issues granddaughter suffers from. They seemed understanding and hopefully will leave her alone for a while - they have scheduled another call for two month's time, by which time things may have changed, but if not it sounded like they would leave her alone for a while.

It wasn't a great day weather wise here, but we did manage to get out in the garden, my wife and I sitting in the summer house, while little one played on his trampoline and generally pottered about. The girls were watching Frozen II, so we had a bit of peace in the garden, we even managed to have a couple of games of Yahtzee, it was just like old times!

Spending time in the garden meant that little one managed to stay awake all day, which was nice, as the last couple of days he has had a sleep in the afternoon, which has made it a little more difficult to get him to bed. Today he quite happily took himself up to bed, with my wife following, at around 7.15, hopefully next door will keep the noise down and he will stay asleep until tomorrow morning - maybe even have a lie in!

Let's see what tales of drunken debauchery we wake to tomorrow - no, not from us, but from the masses out on the town tonight... 

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