Day 103


Well I don't think I've done too bad, it has taken 103 days before I couldn't be arsed to do my daily blog on time, so this was written on Saturday morning. It's a shame, as it has been quite a good catalogue of what we have been going through, even if some of it is just tedious boring normality!

Today, was like so many days recently, just another day. We played some more garden games that the wife has sourced off the internet - that has been one of the real surprises of the last 3 months, the conversion of my wife into a devout  internet shopper - I guess as our situation has dictated it, the idea of shopping in a real shop just seems so far detached and unlikely to happen any time soon... well the shops loss is Amazon's gain as far as my wife is concerned.

We had two new games to play today. First up was lawn darts, which was an interesting concept as we don't have any lawn, or grass at all to speak of. Fortunately these darts didn't have to stick in anything, just land in a circle a distance away. After a slow start and cries off "we've found a game grand dad can't play" I duly got my eye in and won!

Next was quoits, tossing rope rings over scoring pegs from a distance - Unfortunately again I won. No-one wants to play with me anymore, maybe we will have to introduce a handicap system...!

In the evening we had a lovely Facetime call with our little one's former foster carer. She is an amazing lady of 70 years plus, who is still fostering. She showed us her living room, which is now totally devoid of any furniture, save for a sofa, arm chair and TV. Even her light-shades have gone, as her current ward has demolished them! This lady has the patience of a saint. 

It was lovely to talk to her and gave a semblance of normality to the day. We liked to try and get down to see her every couple of months, so this was the next best thing for all concerned. Hopefully before too long we may be able to do it in person, if it is maybe outdoors, until then the Facetime link-up will have to do...

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