Day 102


Today was fry-up Thursday. I do love a good fry-up, bacon, eggs, toast, mushrooms, tomatoes and not forgetting black pudding - I know that black pudding isn't to everyone's taste, but I love it! All round a good start to the day.

We were due our Sainsbury's shop between 1 and 2, so after a suitable time for letting my breakfast go down I set up to do my exercises. I had just started when I got a phone call to say that Sainsbury's delivery was coming an hour early, as in two minutes time! Fine, I took my exercise gear off and got ready for the delivery.

The driver today was another decent guy - I have to say throughout this process we have been very luck in that we have only had a couple of drivers who seem to find the whole self-isolating process a pain. Today's driver was a good 'un though, he didn't stack bags on top of each-other at the door and was chatty when I leant out of the window to greet him!

Shopping put away I went back to my exercising, only for little one to decide this would be a good time to do a massive pooh! Great, so take exercise gear off and sort him out. Right, third time lucky - or so I thought, at that very moment I got a message from my daughter to say she was on her way back from Leeds Castle to pick up her shopping from ours. No problem, I can always go back to the exercising when she's gone - well an hour and half later she left!

It was lovely to talk to my daughter, it's always good to see the whole family, but it is a little easier to talk to her when her little one isn't trying to grab her attention all the time, it's also good to see her and chat to find our what it is like out there in the real world. Anyway, as I said it was an hour and half later that I came back up to get on with my exercising, again! This time I managed to complete my session without any further interruptions.

While we were talking to my daughter our little one took himself up to his bed, which he does quite often now, as it is a soft play space, as well as a bed. We try not to use his bed as a play area, but sometimes it doesn't hurt. Anyway, he went quiet and we realised, from his monitor that he had gone to sleep. By the time I finished my exercising he was still asleep so we had a little time sitting in the garden, in the muted sunshine. We love having little man in our lives, but it is nice to have just those odd few minutes when you don't have to worry about where he is, or what he is doing - mind you we both kept checking the monitor to see if he had woken up!

He did eventually wake and came out in the garden himself for a good bounce on his trampoline - hopefully it will wear him out and help him go to sleep tonight - although as I type at 8.45 he is still rolling around in his bed, with no sign of sleep happening any time soon...

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