Day 101


101, no not Dalmations, but days - 101 days of going no further than our back garden, with the exception of treatment days! Today was one such day as my wife had a PET scan.

Like a lot of modern medicine this almost seems like magic. The patient is injected with a radioactive glucose dye, which then shows up any "hot spots" in the body. The scans can then be read to show if the hot spots are cancerous, if they have spread or if treatment has worked, or is working!

Hopefully when my wife gets her results back it will be good news. The expectation is for her to have to do a course of radiotherapy to try to reduce her tumour. So at the moment it is all a bit of a waiting game again...

Sitting in the car in Maidstone hospital car park is an eye-opener. Where we are at home, shielding, we become rather detached from reality and don't realise what things are like outside. Sitting watching the people, all masked up, going to and fro makes you realise how many people are going through something similar to my wife. It's very easy to think you are alone, but each time we visit the hospital it brings it home, like X-Files says, we are not alone!

After my wife came out of her scan we popped up to her Mum's to say hello, from a distance - this is the thing my wife really struggles with. I think she is quite happy, if that's the right word, with the general premise of shielding, but she does really miss seeing her Mum and Dad - we used to call into theirs at least 2 to 3 times a week, so it has been a massive shock to not be able to do that for the last 13 weeks. Hopefully, come August 1st we may be able to bring ourselves to go and sit in their garden, for a socially distanced cup of tea - we shall see!

The rest of our day followed a familiar pattern, with me doing exercising and little one watching and joining in, playing another leg of Yahtzee and little one bouncing on his trampoline. Tonight we are going to try and watch a film, if we can both stay awake...!

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