Day 100


Today was an indoors day - the weather being such that we weren't going to be getting outdoors much. It did however give me the opportunity to put some shelves up in younger grand-daughter's bedroom. Shelves all up my wife is convinced one of them isn't straight, despite my putting a spirit level on it to prove it is - I think. Maybe the shelves are straight and the rest of the room is wonky!

Little one has been leading us by the hand the last couple of days, which I have already commented on, so today he again took my hand, this time to get the exercise equipment out for me to do my hour on the Nintendo Ring Fit - with little one doing his exercises, of sorts alongside me. It is a lovely time and he seems to really get something out of it.

Being stuck indoors also gave me the opportunity to make a phone call to social services. As a household we have been shielding since March 22nd, and the government advice at present is for shielders to carry this process on until August 1st. The grandkids have both said they are happy to continue to stay in until then, but I wanted to check the position from a social services perspective. I was relieved when they pretty much advised us to carry on as we are. All the while the girls say they are happy to stay put, then there are no worries, even if someone from outside tries to shit stir again!

It will be a case of take each month as it comes, there are another 4 weeks until we get to August 1st, so things may change in that time. They have been given a simple choice, which at the moment is stay put and stay safe - I think this is best all round, as both of them would struggle to keep themselves safe out in the horrible Covid world. Hopefully we can all get through this together, without killing each-other!!!

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