Day 10


Today was a very scary day. We had to go outside into the big wide world...

My wife is due her 5th cycle of chemotherapy on Friday, and has to have bloods taken 2 days prior to treatment, to make sure that all is going ok and to ensure she is able to have her treatment...

It was extremely weird getting into the car and driving away from the safety of our home. The first thing noticeable was how little traffic there was out there, it was really quiet. The journey to Maidstone hospital normally takes a good half hour, but today was a little over 20 minutes, mind you I was amazed to see the car park was pretty much full, not sure what has happened to the cancelling unnecessary appointments.

I managed to park up close to the oncology entrance and my wife went to go in - this was the point of no return, when she would come face to face with people for the first time in just under 2 weeks. The hospital have really ramped up their checking procedures, as she was met at the door by security, who checked what she was there for, and took her temperature. The waiting room has been stripped of all but the bare minimum of chairs. Bloods were done in minutes and we were out of there, pronto!

Again, driving home it was so evident that something wasn't right in the world - hitting the motorway there was hardly a car to be seen, just lorries, lorries going about the business of keeping food in the shops - it felt strange to have them for company on the road, almost reassuring knowing that some things were normal(ish)...

Having got home so quickly we were scratching around for something to do - I have a few larger jobs that need to be addressed, but wanted something to do, my wife decided now would be a good time to clean the fridge out! Funny, not a job that ever comes into my head to do, and it certainly isn't the most glamorous of tasks, but guess something that needs doing now and then - now I have been one to moan about people stockpiling, but having cleaned out the fridge I couldn't believe the amount of cheese we had in it, don't think the mice will be going hungry round these parts for a while...

Still looking for something to do, I discovered that one of the local nurseries are doing home deliveries, so I have got myself a nice delivery of plants to brighten up the garden coming tomorrow! I am looking forward to the plants arriving so I can do some more normal things - god I need to stop using the word normal so much, I mean, it's not normal to keep saying that, is it?

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