In Isolation

I thought I would just like to put pen to paper, well fingers to keyboard, and document my families time spent while in 12 week isolation from coronavirus (Covid-19).

My wife falls into the high risk category, as she is currently undergoing treatment for Lymphoma (blood cancer) and has been given the stark government advice to stay indoors and see no-one, don't go out, don't pass go and definitely don't collect £200. We are all joining her on her 12 week journey - hopefully by which time things may have changed for the better.

Day 127


Today was grand-daughter's 18th birthday - it seems amazing that we have now been looking after this vulnerable young lady for 8 years, someone who was pleased they got an Amazon voucher for their birthday, so they could get Trolls 1 & 2 on DVD, bless her.

Day 126


Today was a red letter day, a first in 126 days - we went out for a walk. I know this may not seem like a big deal for most, but for us it was a massive, massive do!

Day 125


After a good day yesterday the reality of the shit going on at home returned. It doesn't seem to matter how hard we try to forget what has happened, it is difficult when you feel like you have been so badly let down, after years of doing your best. We are still not clear exactly what is being said, and...

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