In Isolation

I thought I would just like to put pen to paper, well fingers to keyboard, and document my families time spent while in 12 week isolation from coronavirus (Covid-19).

My wife falls into the high risk category, as she is currently undergoing treatment for Lymphoma (blood cancer) and has been given the stark government advice to stay indoors and see no-one, don't go out, don't pass go and definitely don't collect £200. We are all joining her on her 12 week journey - hopefully by which time things may have changed for the better.

Day 40


Well, it does seem like every day is the same as the previous and probably the next, but woke this morning and really didn't have a clue what day of the week it was, not that it really makes that much of a difference, but for a few minutes it was Saturday! Then realisation struck - oh well, never mind......

Day 39


Well today should have been the day, a day of celebration. Today was the last full cycle of chemotherapy for my wife's Lymphoma. The most recent scan she had indicated good progress in terms of reduction of the tumour and within the next 6 to 8 weeks she will be having another PET scan, which should hopefully show up if...

Day 38


Today was a quiet day, sort of, nothing much happened, no phone calls, no visitors, although we did speak to my daughter, her partner and their little man. As has become the routine now he enjoys being given a treat. We left some bits in our air lock (porch), and he picked some chocolate, a Smartie egg which appears to...

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