In Isolation

I thought I would just like to put pen to paper, well fingers to keyboard, and document my families time spent while in 12 week isolation from coronavirus (Covid-19).

My wife falls into the high risk category, as she is currently undergoing treatment for Lymphoma (blood cancer) and has been given the stark government advice to stay indoors and see no-one, don't go out, don't pass go and definitely don't collect £200. We are all joining her on her 12 week journey - hopefully by which time things may have changed for the better.

Day 144


Well, after a restless night worrying about our road-trip, I suggested to my wife that we might like to rethink the month away schedule we had planned, and should maybe start off with something a bit more low key, like a week away. As I said, what if we booked a month away and then after 2 days hated it...

Day 143


What's that old expression about the best laid plans - I was supposed to have my first foster panel virtual meeting this morning. Before this my wife was scheduled an appointment at the hospital. It was only for a Covid swab and blood test, so the hour and a quarter we had allowed for it should have been enough! Oh no it wasn't....

Day 142


There is an old expression about not being able to teach an old dog new tricks, well today, I am that old dog, and I have learned a new trick - today I used Microsoft Teams for the first time... Big deal I hear you say, well it was to me!

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