In Isolation

I thought I would just like to put pen to paper, well fingers to keyboard, and document my families time spent while in 12 week isolation from coronavirus (Covid-19).

My wife falls into the high risk category, as she is currently undergoing treatment for Lymphoma (blood cancer) and has been given the stark government advice to stay indoors and see no-one, don't go out, don't pass go and definitely don't collect £200. We are all joining her on her 12 week journey - hopefully by which time things may have changed for the better.

Day 64


I've not used the Big Brother analogy for a while, so here goes "Day 64 in the shielding house" (said in Geordie accent)… It's days like today where I quite envy the contestants in d'house, being protected from the news and the big world outside - unfortunately, try as hard as you like it is difficult to avoid what is...

Day 63


Wow, 9 weeks down. It's amazing to look back and think how this all started, how at that time we had respect for the government who appeared to be doing their best to protect it's citizens - but a short 9 weeks later it is now clear that this government is no different to any other - protectionism, looking after...

Day 62


Today was one of those days, where it was a bit of a do nothing day, but at the same time we did quite a lot. Since this shielding process has started I have tried to set myself little goals of things to do - actually, no let's rewind - my wife has been setting me goals of things to do! That's better, you know it's good to tell the truth...!...

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